About Us

Understanding Trafficking

Documentation Verfication

Airport Operations Exploited

Official Complicity

Available Support

Freedom Ports Alliance


30+ Anti-Human Trafficking experience.


A unique approach called Airport Response.


Airport Response is the identification and interception of PVoT’s at airports before they are exploited.


14+ months on the frontline in a South Africa airport.


How did you get here? How can we help you be safe?


Passenger screening, Collate data, identify trends, analyse stats, provide comprehensive training for stakeholders

Impact & Map


30 - 40 men per week

This video clip indicates the routes this victim of labour trafficking traveled, the countries through which he traveled until intercepted by our team. The majority of transportation were with domestic and international airlines.We were the first to notice that his construction worker clothing was not suitable for international flights, that the passport he carried was not his, he had no money, and no luggage.


FPA is a critical player among Indonesian anti-trafficking organizations. Most trafficking victims pass through some sort of transit point during their exploitation, which makes transit one of the most vulnerable parts of the trafficking system. Identifying and intercepting victims at the trafficker’s weakest point is strategic and smart, and the fact that FPA is working collaboratively with victim service providers and law enforcement means that those intercepted are well cared for in the healing process and those perpetrating the crime of human trafficking can be held accountable.

Dalaina May, Executive Director of Dark Bali, a coalition of anti-trafficking organizations across Indonesia

Freedom Ports Alliance (FPA) is dedicated to freeing people from human trafficking. Any government agency, airport or other port of entry/exit, or airline looking to establish, support or maintain an effective counter-trafficking programme and protocols, will benefit from FPA’s substantial experience and expertise – whether in the form of training or in-person team support on air-, sea- and land-side.
Centre Against Sexual Exploitation, South Africa (CASE-SA)