“Mitigating Human Trafficking in Airlines & Airports” is the topic of the very first webinar Freedom Ports Alliance participated in. We are thankful for partners like The Mekong Club, who took us under their wing and hosted an international webinar to introduce us to their international network.
Human trafficking through airports and airlines is a very intricate element of the movement and transportation of victims of human trafficking. According to the American Association for Airport Executives, 60% of victims of trafficking will move through an airport at some stage in exploitation. While working as the anti-human trafficking team in Cape Town Airport, we identified 74 victims of trafficking of which 15 were children.
After answering frequently asked questions from peers, partners and airport stakeholders, they unanimously agree that every airport should have an anti-trafficking airport response team and deter trafficking through proactive victim identification.
Freedom Ports Alliance equips port stakeholders to build safer communities because human trafficking cannot exist in a safe community. We offer trafficking-related airport consultancy and tailor-made solutions. We offer in-person human trafficking profiling and intervention support. We offer comprehensive training for passenger-facing staff as well as non passenger-facing employees.